Bezeichnung RVS 09.01.24 Structural Equipment (substituted)

This RVS has been translated from the original German text - only the original German version is valid.


0. Prelimary remark

1. Range of application

2. General planning instructions

3. Abbreviations

4. Lay-by niches

5. Turning spots

6. Escape passages, rescue passages and accesses

7. Niches for operating and safety facilities

8. Laying of cables

9. Earthing

10. Area before the portal

11. Impace attenuators

12. Fire-extinguishing water supply

13. Supply of fire-extinguishing

14. Other guidelines and standards

Seiten 16
Ausgabedatum 01.09.2009
Außerkraft seit 01.06.2014
RVS in English Translation
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